

Number №1, 2012 - page 12-19

Standardization of terminology, methods of obtaining and presentation of data on sexual dysfunction after radical prostatectomy

Apolihin O.I., Radnaev L.G.

Introduction: widespread introduction of radical prostatectomy (RPE) into clinical practice and particularly its nerve- sparing option resulted an appearance of a new type of sexual dysfunction. This type of sexual dysfunction has specific particularities of ethiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation and treatment options. But still there are no generally accepted terminology and standards of obtaining and presentation of data on this topic. In addition, a number of terms used in description of data obtained by different authors is treated differently. Also, no common algorithm of management of patients with post-RPE sexual dysfunction exists.
Objective: standardization of terminology in obtaining and presentation of data on post-RPE dysfunction. Methods: Search and review of publications from 1997 to 2010 in mEdLINE and RINTS taking into account out own experience of management patients with sexual dysfunction after RPE. Results: Key elements of obtaining and presentation of data on post-RPE were described, including: standardization of definitions, types of questionnaires and methodology of using them, schedule of questioning, main characteristics of patients groups. We offered specially developed questionnaire for complex assessment of sexual function after RPE, concerning changing of erectile function, orgasm state and specific complications (orgasm associated pains). Conclusion: using of standardized terminology and methods of obtaining data is necessary for published data reliability increase. Offered questionnaire can improve sexual reabilitation in patients after RPE.

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