

Number №1, 2012 - page 4-10

Disability as a Result of Urinary System Diseases in Russian Federation according to Official Statistics

Apolihin O.I., Sivkov A.V., Solnceva T.V.

The present research is dedicated to study of disability in the country for over the past two years according to official health care statistics, as far as to structure of disability due to forming genitourinary system disorders in Moscow in the period of 2002 - 2007, to review overall situation in the country and to identify specific patterns and trends. We analyzed quantitative data on the adult population of Russian Federation registered for the first time and repeatedly as disabled due to genitourinary system diseases and their distribution by age, disability groups, as far as children under 18 and their distribution by age and sex. In addition, we studied the distribution of disability and urological diseases caused it according to the survey persons with this disease in the medico- social expertise NEAD Moscow in 2002-2007. The results showed that in 2010 compared with 2009 in the rural areas of the Russian Federation recorded growth in the number of persons newly registered as disabled due to diseases of the genitourinary system, whereas in the whole country the number of such patients has decreased. There was also an increase in the number of children under the age of 18 years, repeatedly recognized as disabled due to diseases of the genitourinary system (the annual growth - 7.6%). The most common causes of disability among urological diseases are renal diseases (90.4% of all cases of disability of urological profile), urolithiasis (8.9%) and diseases of the prostate gland (0.7%).
There was a predominance of female patients (female among them was 58.0%, men - 42.0%) among the disabled of urological profile.

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