

Number №1, 2012 - page 63-66

Adjustable sling system Argus in treatment of male stress incontinence

Kachmazov A.A., Romih V.V., Serebryanyy S.A.

Due to new technological achievements and clinical studies treatment of male stress incontinence (SI) constantly improves. Nevertheless optimal level of safety and efficacy is still not gained. Search for the alternative option for artificial sphincter, which is used for 40 years, is not finished. Attempts to develop a device both safe and efficient for patients with different grades of SI, low possible complication rates and possibility to adjust tension rate according to individual particularities are still continued. From July, 2010 in Scientific Institute of Urology we use adjustable sling Argus for treatment of male SI. 30 men aged from 51 to 80 with moderate (4 patients) and severe (26 patients) SI underwent surgery. SI in mentioned patients was a result of radical prostatectomy (8 patients), open prostatectomy (7 patients), TURP (10 patients), brachytherapy (2 patients), external beam therapy (2 patients) and HIFU-therapy (1 patient). In 25 cases we used transobturator approach, in other 5 cases – suprapubical. Tension regulation (tightening) was necessary in 8 cases (26.6%). Effective continence up to this moment in 21 cases (70 %), 4 patients noticed improvement, i.e. efficiency rate is 83.3%. In 5 cases sling was ineffective even after its tightening. In 2 cases (6.6%) sling was removed due to infection complications. Thus we can say that adjustable sling is effective option of treatment of male SI. In case of need sling tension can be adjusted under local or general anesthesia.

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