

Number №1, 2023 - page 122-127

Corporoplasty with synthetic graft in fibroplastic penile induration DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2023-16-1-122-127

For citation: Panferov A.S., Bekreev E.A., Elagin V.V., Kotov S.V. Corporoplasty with synthetic graft in fibroplastic penile induration. Experimental and Clinical Urology 2023;16(1):122-127; https://doi.org/10.29188/2222-8543-2023-16-1-122-127
A.S. Panferov, E.A. Bekreev, V.V. Elagin, S.V. Kotov
Information about authors:
  • Panferov A.S. – PhD, head of the urology center of the «Medassist» medical center; Kursk, Russia; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8258-3454
  • Bekreev E.A. – Head of the urological department of the urology center of the «Medassist» medical center; Kursk, Russia; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4405-5877
  • Elagin V.V. – PhD, urologist of the Center of Urology of the «Medassist» medical center; Kursk, Russia; RSCI Author ID 1011874; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6403-6131
  • Kotov S.V. – Dr. Sc., Professor, Head of the Department of Urology and Andrology of the Medical, Faculty of the N.I. Pirogov Moscow State Medical University of the Russian Ministry of Health; Moscow, Russia; RSCI Author ID 667344; http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3764-6131

Introduction. Peyronie's disease is a multifactorial disease leading to various types of penile deformities. Surgical treatment is the most effective method of correcting erectile deviation. In patients with preserved erectile function the technique of plaque incident with grafting is widely used, in the presence of erectile dysfunction phalloprosthesis with plaque incident and grafting should be performed. The question of the choice of material for defect replacement in surgical treatment of Peyronie's disease is relevant, because today none of the used grafts is a reference.

Aim of the study. Evaluation of the results of corporoplasty using synthetic grafts in patients with Peyronie's disease.

Materials and methods. 11 patients underwent corporoplasty using a synthetic graft made of modified polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE), in 4 cases this technique was combined with falloprosthetics.

Results. Erectile deviation was eliminated in all patients. At the same time, no early and long-term complications were noted during the follow-up. All patients were satisfied with the outcome of the surgical intervention.

Conclusion. Synthetic grafts can be used for surgical treatment of Peyronie's disease with the achievement of a positive effect. The use of this material in the treatment of Peyronie's disease requires further study.

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Peyronie's disease; corporoplasty; synthetic graft

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