

Number №1, 2019 - page 24-27

The correction of endothelial dysfunction is a promising direction for the therapy of acute kidney injury DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2019-11-1-24-27

Elagin V.V., Bratchikov O.I., Pokrovskiy M.V., Kostina D.A., Pokrovskaya T.G.
Information about authors:
  • Elagin V.V. – Assistant of the Department of Urology, Kursk State Medical University, e-mail: vlad.elagin2014@yandex.ru; ORCID 0000-0001-6403-6131
  • Bratchikov O.I. – Dr. Sc., Full Professor, Head of the Department of Urology, Kursk State Medical University, e-mail: bratov45@mail.ru; ORCID 0000-0002-0906-9851
  • Pokrovskiy M.V. – Dr. Sc., Full Professor, Head of the Medical Institute`s Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, Director of the Research Institute of Living System`s Pharmacology, Belgorod National Research University, e-mail: pokrovskii@bsu.edu.ru; ORCID 0000-0004-4895-1674
  • Kostina D.A. – Assistant of the Medical Institute`s Department of Pharmacology, Belgorod National Research University, e-mail: kostina_da@bsu.edu.ru; ORCID 0000-0002-4505-3988
  • Pokrovskaya T.G. – Dr. Sc., Professor at the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia; e-mail: pokrovskaia-tg@mail.ru; ORCID 0000-0001-6802-5368

Introduction. Acute kidney injury (AKI), which is based on ischemic-reperfusion damage, is a widespread life-threatening condition and remains a serious public health problem with a high mortality rate among patients. Despite significant advances in various areas of medicine, the prevention and correction of ischemicreperfusion kidney damage are still far from being at the desired level. Pharmacological preconditioning and the use of endothelioprotectors are promising areas in this field, therefore the purpose of this study was to analyze the nephroprotective properties of selective inhibitor of arginase II KUD975 in ischemic kidney damage in the experiment.

Objective. To study the possibility of preventing ischemiareperfusion kidney injury with the selective inhibitor of arginase II - KUD975.

Materials and methods. In a series of experiments on Wistar male rats, the protective effects of the prophylactic use of an inhibitor of arginase II-KUD975 at doses of 1 mg / kg and 3 mg / kg were compared with the non-selective arginase inhibitor L-norvaline on a 40-minute bilateral model of renal ischemia-reperfusion. Renoprotective activity was assessed by the results of biochemical markers of acute kidney injury, the dynamics of glomerular filtration rate and fractional sodium excretion, as well as the severity of microcirculatory disorders.

Results. It was found that the preventive use of KUD975 dose-dependently leads to a decrease in serum concentration of markers of acute kidney injury, an increase in glomerular filtration rate, a decrease in fractional sodium excretion, and a decrease in microcirculatory disorders at all time points of the experiment.

Conclusions. Prophylaxis of ischemia-reperfusion renal damage by selective inhibitor of arginase II - KUD975 is a promising strategy for the prevention of acute kidney injury.

Authors declare lack of the possible conflicts of interests

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selective inhibitor of arginase II, ischemia-reperfusion, preconditioning, acute kidney injury

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