

Number №3, 2010 - page 62-65

Endoscopic methods of simple renal cysts excision

Kadyrov Z.A., Samko A.A., Gurbanov Sh.Sh., Nusratulloev I.I., Faniev M.V.
Objective. Experience of endoscopic renal cysts excisions by tranpersitonal and retroperitoneal methods analyzed. Materials and methods. Retrospective and prospective analysis of endoscopic excisions of simple renal cysts in 84 patients for a period from 1996 to 2008 was carried out. 38 patients had single renal cyst, 19 – multiple cysts, 22 – multicompartment cysts, 8 patients had cysts from both sides. Cysts’ dimensions varied from 3.0 to 26 cm. At first mainly transperitoneal approach was used, later majorly it was retroperitoneoscopic. Cysts’ localization and dimensions were a matter of principle in selection of patients and type of approach. Surgery time mean value was 80 minutes (50-180 minutes). With experience accumulated surgery time was decreasing. Hospitalization days varied from 3 to 12. Results. 10 complications were mentioned during or after the surgery. They were successfully managed intraoperatively or in early postoperative period. On a control survey after 3-12 months cysts recurrence sized 3 cm were found in 2 patients. Recurrence cysts did not influenced renal function. Conclusions. Thus endoscopic renal cysts excision is high effective manipulation with low complication rate and quick rehabilitation. We figure that with enough experience any localization cyst is possible to excise. In case of two-sided cysts transperitoneal approach is more preferable.

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