

Evaluation of men’s reproductive health among youth in Kuzbass region

Titarenko I.N., Osadchuk L.V., Kleschev M.N., Gutorova N.V., Farbirovich V.Ya.

The paper provides andrological examination data of adolescents and young men who permanently resides in the Kemerovo. There was found a high rate of diseases which can impair a reproductive health in students of specialized secondary schools and colleges. An early sexual debut among adolescents was detected by means of a questionnaire survey. Mean age of sexual debut of 73.8% of secondary school students was 14.8 years and average number of sexual partners at age of 17 reached 7.5! Sexually-transmitted infections were registered in the history of 62.5% young men examined and abnormal urogenital development – in 8.4%. A comparison of semen quality in two groups of reproductive age men who were examined at 7-year intervals (2002 – 2009) determined significant trend to deterioration. In particular, sperm cell concentration in ejaculate decreased by 22% while fertile sperm concentration – by 43% for the stated period. Taken as a whole our study detected that sperm cell concentration in ejaculate of men who lives in the Kuzbass is 1.5 to 2 times less than the same in countries such as USA, France, Latvia, Finland. The results obtained must draw attention to the problem of reproductive health of young men. This problem solution is beyond the scope of common healthcare programs and should be the subject of a focused effort of the state and society. 

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