

Number №4, 2014 - page 86-91

Experience with Combiflox® in the treatment of urinary tract infections in women

Saenko V.S., Pesegov S.V.

Bacterial infections are the most common diseases in men during the life course. In different countries urinary tract infections (UTIs) account for 2-6% of the visits to a doctor, among these patients 80-90% are women. Cystitis is the most common UTI. One peculiarity of the UTIs is the involvement of reproduction system organs, given the tight anatomical and functional link and cyclic hormonal regulation. In spite of a big amount of powerful antibiotics treatment of the UTIs in women remains an important clinical problem. Effective treatment should account for an instantly growing resistance of uropathogens to the antimicrobial therapy. According to the contemporary guidelines pathogen should be identified prior to the treatment following with the detection of sensitivity profile. The mainframe of the good therapy is not only a high blood concentration of the antibiotic, but also a high concentration in bladder mucosa. In this study we have investigated a new combined medication, Combiflox®, with a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity, in women with uncomplicated UTIs. In all patient groups in most women (n=46, 90%) clinical improvement was evident within 3-5 days of treatment – disappearance of dysuria and pain, decrease in micturition frequency, urinalysis normalization. Our data shows, that Combiflox® is an effective antibiotic with systemic action, convenient for use, with wide spectrum of indications and good tolerability profile.

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