

Number №4, 2019 - page 122-125

Forgotten ureteral stent in a young child. (Сlinical case) DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2019-11-4-122-125

For citation: R.S. Baybikov. Forgotten ureteral stent in a young child. (Сlinical case). Experimental and clinical urology 2019;(4):122-125.
Baybikov R.S.
Information about authors:

Baybikov R.S. – PhD in Medical Sciences, surgeon at the Pediatrics Republican Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, rashit.b@rambler.ru, ORCID 0000-0002-3643-1828


Objective. The use of ureteral stents has become an integral part of many urological surgeries. Despite advances in the development of stents, problems associated with their use, such as the formation of bacterial biofilms, incrustation, occlusion, migration and fragmentation, are still relevant in urological practice. For the extraction of long-standing ureteral stents encrusted with stones, various surgical interventions are used, often requiring different approaches. Forgetfulness of parents leading to similar complications in children, an unacceptable problem that unites the community of urologists in finding ways to solve it.

Material. A clinical case is given in the article: a boy aged 5 years and 8 months was hospitalized at the State autonomous health care facility «Children's Republican Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan» with complaints of pain in the lower abdomen during urination, which bothered him in the last 3 months. Ultrasound in the bladder showed hyperechoic formations with an acoustic shadow and a tubular formation in the distal part of the left ureter. A 8-month-old baby underwent a dilatation of the orifice of the left ureter with stenting.

Results. Upon admission to the survey urography the following was visualized: a large shadow of a bladder stone with a fragment of a stent in the left ureter. A cystourethroscopy was performed with extraction of a fragment of the proximal stent from the lower third of the left ureter, cystolithotomy. The child was safely discharged after a course of treatment of chronic cystitis and healing of a postoperative wound.

Conclusion. In this case, incomplete distal migration of the stent with the formation of a stone in its distal section in the bladder is noted. Positive dynamics of ureterohydronephrosis on the left against the background of drainage of the ureter, as well as the absence of exacerbations of pyelonephritis for 5 years was noted.

Conflict of interest. The author declare no conflict of interest.

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forgotten ureteral stent, encrustation, cystolithotomy

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