

Number №2, 2012 - page 38-46

Implementation of the natural origin drug (Tongkat Ali Platinum) in the treatment of erectile dysfunction

Dorofeev S.D., Mel'nik Ya.I., Simakov V.V., Krasnyak S.S., Ul'bashev A.M.

Currently a huge experience of using phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors as a standard first line therapy of erectile dysfunction was accumulated. Meanwhile high price and significant risk of undesirable effects limit their wide spread use. That’s why some patients use mediation of natural origin. One of them is Tongkat Ali Platinum, containing extract of Euricoma Longifolia Jack roots, bee’s royal jelly and Ginseng root extract. In Scientific Research Institute of Urology, Moscow a comparative blinded, randomized, placebo control study of Tongkat Ali Platinum efficacy and safety in erectile dysfunction of different etiology therapy was done. Analyzing the results of our study we defined positive influence of Tongkat Ali Platinum on sexual function Patients questioning allows to make a conclusion of erectile function improvement (with full erectile function recovery in 40% of patients), coitus and overall satisfaction increase, sexual desire increase, intensity and emotional intenseness of orgasm increase. Average efficacy of therapy by Tongkat Ali Platinum due to patients’ poll is 76.7%. Medication is prescribed for treatment of mild and moderate erectile dysfunction of different genesis (mainly in penile arterial insufficiency).

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