

Number №2, 2012 - page 48-50

Our first experience of focal prostate cancer cryoablation

Govorov A.V., Pushkar' D.Yu., Vasil'ev A.O., Ivanov V.Yu., Sadchenko A.V.

Focal treatment of prostate cancer is possible only in case of precise localization of tumor inside prostate gland. Risk stratification and tumor mapping are the necessary conditions for the selection of candidates for focal cryoablation. As far as existing methods of visualization do not allow to authentically judge about localization and spread of tumor, the only method of prostate cancer mapping is transperineal templated biopsy, which in combination with pelvis MRI gives us the most accurate tumor staging. Due to absence of long-term results focal cryoablation remains an experimental treatment option, and its performing is possible only in case of complete understanding of its advantages and disadvantages by patient. Focal cryoablation of prostate has a number of advantages in comparison to conventional prostate cancer treatment option: minimal invasiveness, possibility of sexual function preservation and a significantly lower risk of urinary incontinence. Focal cryoablation is a golden mean between active surveillance and prostate cancer radical treatment options.

We represent clinical case of prostate cancer focal cryoablation in patient with T1cN0M0 stage. The procedure was performed under spinal anesthesia and transrectal ultrasound control. We performed two cycles of freezing and thawing using “IceSeed” needles. Total procedure time 87 minutes. The postoperative period was uneventful. Maximum follow up time 3 months.

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