

Number №4, 2023 - page 172-179

The influence of urinary system pathology on the development of endometritis after cesarean section DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2023-16-4-172-179

For citation:

 Korobkov N.A., Iglovikov N.Yu., Protoshchak V.V., Babkin P.A., Popov S.I. The influence of urinary system pathology on the development of endometritis after cesarean section. Experimental and Clinical Urology 2023;16(4):172-179; https://doi.org/10.29188/2222‑8543‑2023‑16‑4‑172‑179

Korobkov N.A., Iglovikov N.Yu., Protoshchak V.V., Babkin P.A., Popov S.I.
Information about authors:
  • Korobkov N.A. – PhD, associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education North-Western State Medical University named after. I.I. Mechnikov of the Russian Ministry of Health. Chief freelance specialist in obstetrics and gynecology of the Leningrad Region Health Committee; Saint-Petersburg, Russia; RSCI Author ID 618368
  • Iglovikov N.Yu. – PhD, Associate Professor of urology department of the Military Medical Academy S. M. Kirov; Saint-Petersburg, Russia; RSCI Author ID 897903; https://orcid.org/0009‑0006‑2027‑9573
  • Protoshchak V.V. – Dr. Sci., professor, head of the urology department of the Military Medical Academy S. M. Kirov; Saint-Petersburg, Russia; RSCI Author ID 608157, https://orcid.org/0000‑0002‑4996‑2927
  • Babkin P.A. – Dr. Sci., professor of urology department of the Military Medical Academy S.M. Kirov; Saint-Petersburg, Russia; RSCI Author ID 265891
  • Popov S.I. – PhD, therapist of the 1st therapy department for physicians postgraduation Military Medical Academy S. M. Kirov; Saint-Petersburg, Russia; RSCI Author ID 871880

Introduction. Pregnant women with pathology of the urinary system are at high risk of complications.

The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence and structure of diseases of the urinary system in maternity women with endometritis after cesarean section, to determine their prognostic value as independent predictors of the development of postoperative infectious and inflammatory complications.

Materials and methods. A retrospective multicenter statistical analysis of the medical histories and primary medical documentation data of 648 women delivered by caesarean section, 406 of them with a diagnosis of "endometritis after cesarean section" (main group) and 242 with the physiological course of the postoperative period (control group).

Results and discussion. The prevalence of diseases of the urinary system in puerperant with endometritis was 56.5% and is mainly represented by urinary tract infection. Asymptomatic bacteriuria complicates the course of pregnancy 3.3 times more often in women with endometritis after cesarean section compared with the corresponding indicator in women with uncomplicated course of the postoperative period (20.9% vs. 6.3%), which makes it possible to attribute it to significant predictors of the development of postoperative infectious and inflammatory complications in obstetrics.

Conclusion. According to the results of multivariate regression analysis, chronic and gestational pyelonephritis had less pronounced associations with the prediction of endometritis development after cesarean section.

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asymptomatic bacteriuria; urinary tract infection; endometritis; caesarean section

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