

Number №4, 2012 - page 58-62

A method for correction of stress-induced erectile dysfunction in patients with arterial hypertension

Neymark A.I., Neymark B.A., Tischenko G.E.

Our article is devoted to correction of stress-induced erectile dysfunction (ED) in patients working at the mobile part of the railroad who also have arterial hypertension (AH).

We have investigated 50 men in age of 45-60 years. All patients had medicallycompensated AH and had no complaints regarding sexual function.

All patients underwent complex investigation including physical examination, urinalysis and complete blood count, parameters of lipid metabolism, measurements of total testorsterone level, sex-steroid binding globulin, thyreotropin, T4, laser Doppler flowmetry of penis, desquamated endotheliocytes estimation. For ED estimation Loran-Segal questionnaire was used, as well as MIEF and MCF. The state of microcirculation was investigated using laser analyser of blood microcirculation LAKK-01 (NPP “LASMA”, Russia).

It was shown that disturbances in endothelium and microcirculation and ED are typical for the investigated group of patients. MIEF index was 46.6±4.8 at the level of mild and intermediate ED. For ED correction in all patients the medication “Impasa” was used.

Using this medication together with correctly chosen antihypertensive drugs led to compensation of erectile dysfunction and to amelioration of microcirculation. Impasa demonstrated positive influence to the endothelium of vessels, which is important in the state of endothelial insufficiency. This broadens its usage in patients with erectile dysfunction together with arterial hypertension.

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