

Number №1, 2019 - page 28-31

Model of pelvic varicose veinsin a chronic experiment DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2019-11-1-28-31

Cukanov A.Yu., Rudchenko N.V., Ahmetov D.S., Alyabushev S.F.
Information about authors:
  • Tsukanov A.Yu. – Dr. Sc., professor, chief of the Department of Surgery and Urology OSMU, Omsk, e-mail: autt@mail.ru
  • Rudchenko N.V. – postgraduate of the Department of Surgery and Urology OSMU, Omsk, e-mail: nrudrus@gmail.com
  • Achmetov D.S. – postgraduate of the Department of Surgeryand Urology OSMU, Omsk, e-mail: dsahmetov@gmail.com
  • Alyabushev S.F. – urologist of emergency hospital №2, 644046, Omsk, e-mail: alyabushev1992@mail.ru

Introduction. Varicose pelvic disease in men is a little-studied problem, but the role of the varicose in the development of a number of urological diseases is well known. The need to study this pathology is primarily due to its growing prevalence among men.

Objective: to create a model of persistent varicose of the pelvis in a chronic experiment in male animals. Materials and methods. In the chronic experiment, 26 male rabbits were used, randomized into 3 groups: Group 1 (n = 4) - provision of anatomical material with normal anatomy; Group 2 (n = 12) - modeling of persistent varicose by crossing the v.sacralismediana with additional parenteral administration of a progesterone solution; Group 3 (n = 12) - only crossed the v.sacralis mediana. Criteria for the creation of varicose veins were considered an enlarged diameter of the pelvic veins, the presence of reflux by ultrasound, and extended pelvic and paraprostatic veins during phlebography

Results. According to the results of the evaluation of ultrasound, radiological and morphological parameters obtained after 1, 3, 6 months in group 2, varicose remained throughout the experiment, in group 3 - by 6 months the varicose veins completely leveled.

Discussion. Thus, the effect of progesterone on the wall of the vein at the time of its restructuring was of decisive importance in creating persistent pelvic varicosity in the experiment.

Conclusion. The model can be used in experimental urology to study the role of chronic pelvicvaricose in the course and occurrence of urological diseases against its background, this model can also be used for preclinical studies of drugs.

Authors declare lack of the possible conflicts of interests.

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pelvic varicose veins, chronic experiment, pelvic varicose model

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