

Number №1, 2014 - page 88-91

Non-complicated urinary tract infections: long-term intake of nitrofurans for recurrence prevention

Voschula V.I., Vilyuha A.I.

Recurrence prevention is an important task in patients with recurrent urinary tract infection (UTI). The necessity for the long-term protection of the urinary tract led to the selection of the medicaments from the group of nitrofurans based on the information about high susceptibility of the bacteria being the causative agents of the UTI, and about the presence of the resistant stamms of Oxalobacter formigenes.

The aim of the study was to estimate the efficacy of furasidine for antimicrobial prevention of the recurrent non-complicated UTI in women.

Study group included 50 patients, control group – 40. After the treatment due to active infection patients of the study group received Furamag 50 mg 1 capsule once a day for 3 months as prevention. Control group received no treatment. Follow-up visits were done at 4, 8, 12, 24 and 48 weeks. Mean age of the patients in study group was 34±9.5 years, in control group – 33±8.8 years. It was shown, that the main ethiological role in the UTI development had E. coli and Enterococcus faecalis. E. coli sensitivity to nitrofurans was 100%, Enterococcus faecalis sensitivity was 88%.

The results obtained let us state, that furasidine intake was able to effectively prevent the UTI recurrence in patients of the study group when compared to the control group. This information was confirmed statistically starting from the week 8 of the follow-up, given that the results at 1 year were excellent in the study group (RR=0,4 [95% CI:0,2788-0,5740, Z=4,973], P < 0,0001).

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