

Number №1, 2014 - page 25-31

Evaluation of serum Chromogranin A levels in different prostatic diseases

Apolihin O.I., Sivkov A.V., Efremov G.D., Rabinovich E.Z., Keshishev N.G., Kovchenko G.A., Prohorov S.A., Sokov D.G., Nikonova L.M., Krivenko M.P.

The most informative immunological analysis to reveal neuroendocrine differentiation (NED) in prostate cancer diagnostics is evaluation of Chromogranin A (ChA) level. Rhe value of ChA in the diagnostics of prostate cancer (PCa) is studied since years. The evidence is controversial with regard to some aspects. But nevertheless most authors consider this analysis as valuable in terms of NED identification in patients with diagnosis of PCa. NED presence in these cases could be the sign of more aggressive disease. This statement finds support in the performed studies.

In 2012 we have started an epidemiological study with the aim of the evaluation of ChA level value in different prostatic diseases. Our study included 304 male patients. In all patients fast levels of ChA were determined. Analysis revealed the general tendency to the increased levels of Cha in patients with higher stage of prostate cancer with maximal levels in patients with castration refractory prostate cancer. Strict correlation was identified (r=0.32; p< 0.001) between ChA and PSA level in all patient groups. The association between the Gleason sum and ChA level was also evident in patients with localized, locally advanced and metastatic prostate cancer. Mentioned cancer local stages also showed correlation with the ChA level (r=0.31, p<0.005).

Drawing a conclusion, it could be stated, that it is advisable to include the ChA evaluation in the diagnostic and treatment algorithm in patients with PCa.

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