

Number №4, 2019 - page 139-144

Pectopexie as a method of a correction of an apical prolapse of genitalia DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2019-11-4-139-144

For citation: Filimonov V.B., VasinR.V., Vasina I.V. Pectopexie as a method of a correction of an apical prolapse of genitalia. Experimental and clinical urology 2019;(4):139-144.
Filimonov V.B., Vasin R.V., Vasina I.V.
Information about authors:
  • Filimonov V.B. – Dr. Sc., Head of Department of Urology with a course of surgical diseases, Ryazan State Medical University, Ryazan, Russian Federation. Head of clinical hospital № 11 (Ryazan). Head of Ryazan Regional Center for Urologycology and Nephrology, filimonov1974@mail.ru ORCID 0000-0002-2199-0715
  • Vasin R.V. – PhD, Assistant Professor of the Department of Urology with a course of surgical diseases, Ryazan State Medical University, Ryazan, Russian Federation; deputy chief physician for surgical care and organizational work of clinical hospital № 11 (Ryazan). Chief urologist of the Ryazan regional «Center of Urogynecology and Nephrology», www.rw@mail.ru, ORCID 0000-0002-0216-237
  • Vasina I.V. – PhD, obstetrician-gynecologist of clinical hospital № 11 (Ryazan). Chief gynecologist of the Ryazan regional «Center of Urogynecology and Nephrology», inna.vasina@bk.ru, ORCID 0000-0002-7072-7980

Actuality. Nowadays among the most widely spread and effective methods of treatment of an apical prolapse of genitalia, sacrocolpopexie and sacral-spinal vaginal fixation are marked. However, these surgical operations have a number of specific complications. More works dedicated to research of alternative method – laporoscopic pectopexie – have appeared.

The aim of the research is to evaluate the results of pectopexie of apical prolapse of genitalia.

Material and methods. In the research 26 women-patients are included with an apical prolapse of genitalia, to whom laparoscopic pectopexie with fixation of uterine cervix and/or vaginal opening by a polypropylene mesh to Cooper’s ligaments in the form of a «hammock» is performed. The operations results are evaluated according to their continuance, complications and regression of a prolapse of genitalia. Long-time results were checked within the period of from 1 to 3 years.

Results. An average age of the women-patients is 56,3±5,7 years old, with an average index of body weight – 26,3±2,0k g/m2 . An average continuance of surgical operation is 61,7±27,2 minutes. An average volume of an intraoperational blood loss is 40,4+17,3 ml. An injury of an urinary bladder, a large bowel, ureter, n. obturatoris, large vascular scapus was not occurred. Disorder of defecation in postoperational period within the period of monitoring was not registered. Regression of apical prolapse of genitalia was not revealed. In two cases a regression of prolapse of genitalia has occurred in the nonoperated sector, in one case cystocele of the second degree has occurred after simultaneously performed front colporraphy. Unsatisfying results of surgical treatment of the researched group were not revealed.

Conclusion. Laparoscopic pectopexie – harmless and effective method of correction of apical form of genitalia prolapse, but prospective comparative research of this method is needed.

Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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apical prolapse of genitalia, pectopexie, Cooper’s ligament, meshes

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