

Number №4, 2019 - page 55-58

Prostate cysts: the current state of problem DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2019-11-4-55-58

For citation: Popov S.V., Orlov I.N., Gulko A.M., Peremyshlenko A.S., Vyazovtsev P.V., Grin E.A., Topuzov T.M., Mikhin V.B., Semenyuk A.V., Vashchukova T.A. Prostate cysts: the current state of problem. Experimental and clinical urology 2019;(4):55-58
Popov S.V., Orlov I.N., Gul'ko A.M., Peremyshlenko A.S., Vyazovcev P.V., Grin' E.A., Topuzov T.M., Mihin V.B., Semenyuk A.V., Vaschukova T.A.
Information about authors:
  • Popov Sergey Valerevich – MD, Head Physician, St. Luke Clinic State Budgetary Health Institution of St. Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, doc.popov@gmail.com, ORCID 0000-0003-2767-7153
  • Orlov Igor Nikolaevich – candidate of medical sciences, head of the urology department No. 1, St. Luke Clinic State Budgetary Health Institution of St. Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, doc.orlov@gmail.com, ORCID 0000-0001-5566-9789
  • Gulko Alexander Mikhailovich – urologist, St. Luke Clinic State Budgetary Health Institution of St. Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, agoolko@mail.ru
  • Peremyshlenko Alexey Sergeevich – candidate of medical sciences, head of the pathological department (with a morgue), St. Luke Clinic State Budgetary Health Institution of St. Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, alecseisergeevich@yandex.ru
  • Vyazovtsev Pavel Vyacheslavovich – urologist, St. Luke Clinic State Budgetary Health Institution of St. Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, vpv.doc@gmail.com
  • Grin Evgeny Aleksandrovich – urologist, St. Luke Clinic State Budgetary Health Institution of St. Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, sv.lukaendouro@gmail.com
  • Topuzov Timur Marlenovich – candidate of medical sciences, urologist, St. Luke Clinic State Budgetary Health Institution of St. Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, ttopuzov@gmail.com
  • Semenyuk Andrey Valerevich – resident-urologist, St. Luke Clinic State Budgetary Health Institution of St. Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, semenyuk.science@gmail.com
  • Vaschukova Tatiana Andreevna – resident-urologist, St. Luke Clinic State Budgetary Health Institution of St. Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, science.med.tv@gmail.com
  • Mikhin Vladimir Borisovich – resident-urologist, St. Luke Clinic State Budgetary Health Institution of St. Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, science.med.tv@gmail.com

Objective. Prostate cysts are a rarely disease among all benign neoplasms. The disease haven’t a bright clinical picture, but it can be a diagnostic find for a diagnosis and choosing treatment tactics for patients.

Material. In 2019, the frequency of detection prostate cysts in the world is 8.6% among all urological diseases. This is due to the development of methods for radiation diagnosis of the genitourinary system. Often, these findings are random and come to routine screening of patients.

Results. Prostate cysts, in most cases, do not have a bright clinical picture. Therefore, the doctor can identify the symptoms: LUTS, hematospermia, non-specific infectious diseases. of the prostate, painful ejaculation, infertility, etc. However, the severity of symptoms is affected by factors such as size and location of the cyst, the presence of infection, etc.

Conclusion. Most cysts without a clinical picture require only dynamic observation. In cases where the course of the cyst is the cause of hemospermia, pain, there are surgical correction methods such as TUR of cyst, laparoscopic aspiration, marsupialization, or open surgery.

Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostate, prostate cysts, prostate cysts clinic, diagnosis of prostate cysts, treatment of prostate cysts, prostate cysts 2019, transurethral cyst resection, laparoscopic aspiration, marsupialization, surgical treatment of prostate cysts; conservative treatment of prostate cysts, transrectal ultrasound.

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