

Number №3, 2022 - page 64-69

Possibilities of the thulium fiber laser for the simultaneous treatment of patients with large volume BPH and bladder stones DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2022-15-3-64-69

For citation: Dubrovin V.N., Tabakov A.V., Shakirov R.R., Egoshin A.V., Mikhailovsky O.V. Possibilities of the thulium fiber laser for the simultaneous treatment of patients with large volume BPH and bladder stones. Experimental and Clinical Urology 2022;15(3)64-69; https://doi.org/10.29188/2222-8543-2022-15-3-64-69
Dubrovin V.N., Tabakov A.V., Shakirov R.R., Egoshin A.V., Mihaylovskiy O.V.
Information about authors:
  • Dubrovin V.N. – Dr. Sci., Professor of the Kazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Head of the Urology Department of «Republican Clinical Hospital» of the Republic of Mari El; Mari El, Russia; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2060-5675
  • Tabakov A.V. – PhD, doctor of the urological department of «Republican Clinical Hospital» of the Republic of Mari El; Mari El, Russia
  • Shakirov R.R. – doctor of the urological department of «Republican Clinical Hospital» of the Republic of Mari El; Mari El, Russia
  • Egoshin A.V. – doctor of the urological department of «Clinical Hospital» of the Republic of Mari El; Mari El, Russia
  • Mihailovsky O.V. – doctor of the urological department of «Republican Clinical Hospital» of the Republic of Mari El; Mari El, Russia

Introduction. Treatment of the patients with large volume BPH and bladder stones is an urgent problem of endoscopic treatment. The aim of the study is to evaluate the possibility of simultaneous enucleation of the prostate and cystolithotripsy using the thulium fiber laser.

Material and methods. Operated on 43 patients aged 69,1 (61-79), with volume prostate 98,5 (83-155) cm3 and bladder stones 16,5 (5-35) mm.

Results. The total operation time was on average 101,5 (45-158) minutes, the time of enucleation with morcellation– 85,5 (35-120) min., cystolithotripsy– 15,6 (0,5-38) min. Damage to the prostate capsule was observed in 6 (13,9%) cases, in 3 (6,9%) cases– bladder mucosa, which did not require interrupting the operation. The duration of urethral drainage was 3,8 (3-6) days, Q max 1 month after surgery was 15,4 (12-24) ml/sec. The duration of hospitalization averaged 7,4 (5-14) days.

Conclusions. The use of a thulium fiber laser allows efficient and safe simultaneous treatment of patients with large volume BPH, complicated by bladder stones.

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large volume benign prostatic hyperplasia; bladder stones; thulium fiber laser

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