

Number №3, 2020 - page 182-187

The role of oxidative stress in chronic recurrent cystitis in women DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2020-12-3-182-187

For citation: Lemtyugov M.B., Simchenko N.I., Bykov O.L., Novikova I.A., Zinovkin D.A. The role of oxidative stress in chronic recurrent cystitis in women. Experimental and clinical urology 2020;(3):182-187. https://doi.org/10.29188/2222-8543-2020-12-3-182-187
Lemtyugov M.B., Simchenko N.I., Bykov O.L., Novikova I.A., Zinovkin D.A.
Information about authors:
  • Lemtygov M.B. – assistant of Department of Urology of EE «Gomel State Medical Universuty», Republic of Belarus, Gomel, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2935-4369
  • Symchenko N.I. – Dr. Sc. Assoc. Prof. head of the Department of Urology EE «Gomel State Medical University» Republic of Belarus, Gomel, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8730-7045.
  • Bykov O.L. – assistant of Department of Urology of EE «Gomel State Medical Universuty», Republic of Belarus, Gomel,  
  • Novikova I.A. – Dr. Sc. Prof. head of the Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics, Allergology and Immunology of EE «Gomel State Medical University» Republic of Belarus, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2250-8318
  • Zinovkin D.A. – assistant of Department of Anatomical Pathology of EE «Gomel State Medical University», Republic of Belarus, Gomel, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3808-8832

Introduction. Amidst the pro/antioxidant balance disorders, a pathological vicious circle of long-term often recurrent course of chronic cystitis is formed, with debilitating clinical manifestations, which significantly reduces patients' quality of life. Aim of the study: Study of the pro/antioxidant status in patients with chronic recurrent cystitis, revealing possible interrelations between pro/ antioxidant balance parameters and clinical manifestations of chronic recurrent cystitis.

Materials and methods. Screening method of serum luminolum dependent chemiluminescence was used for study the state of pro/antioxidant balance. Imax (%) and S (%) indicators and reserve index (Imax/S) were evaluated in 30 patients with chronic relapsing cystitis (the study group) and 30 women with conditionally healthy women (the conparison group). Correlations between quality of life impairment, severity of pain and dysuria and pro/antioxidant parameters were determined in the study group.

Results. The obtained data indicates a decrease in relative values of Imax (%), S (%), and the reserve index (Imax/S) in the group of patients with chronic recurrent cystitis compared to the comparison group. Reverse correlations were found between Imax (%) and pain (p <0.001), Imax (%) and dysuria (p <0.001), quality of life and Imax (%) (p <0.001), as well as the parameter S (%) and pain (p <0.001), between dysuria and S (%) (p <0.001), pain and S (%) (p <0.001).

Conclusions. Patients with chronic recurrent cystitis have impaired pro/antioxidant balance; compare to healthy women. Correlations were between pro/antioxidant status and quality of life disorders, as well as pain and dysuria severity were revealed.

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women; pro/antioxidant balance; chronic recurrent cystitis; oxidative stress

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