

Number №2, 2024 - page 156-161

Spontaneous lysis of the urethra in hypospadias of the chord type in children DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2024-17-2-156-161

For citation: Fedorova E.V., Poddubny I.V., Petrova M.G., Ranshakov A.S., Sukhodolsky A.A., Tsata M.V. Spontaneous lysis of the urethra in hypospadias of the chord type in children. Experimental and Clinical Urology 2024;17(2):156-161; https://doi.org/10.29188/2222-8543-2024-17-2-156-161
Fedorova E.V., Poddubny I.V., Petrova M.G., Ranshakov A.S., Sukhodolsky A.A., Tsata M.V.
Information about authors:
  • Fedorova E.V. – PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Pediatric Surgery «Russian University of Medicine» of the Ministry of Health of Russia, pediatric urologist – andrologist of the Federal Scientific Research Center for Children and Adolescents of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia; Moscow, Russia; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5824-4732
  • Poddubny I.V. – Dr. Sci., Professor, Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery «Russian University of Medicine» of the Ministry of Health of Russia, pediatric urologist- andrologist of the Federal Scientific Research Center for Children and Adolescents of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia; Moscow, Russia; RSCI Author ID 158297, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9077-6990
  • Petrova M.G. – PhD, pediatric urologist – andrologist of the Federal Scientific Clinical Center for Children and Adolescents, Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia; Moscow, Russia
  • Ranshakov A.S. – Assistant of the Department of Pediatric Surgery «Russian University of Medicine» of the Ministry of Health of Russia, pediatric urologist-andrologist of the Federal Scientific Research Center for Children and Adolescents of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia; Moscow, Russia; http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9431-3395
  • Sukhodolsky A.A. – Ph.D., pediatric surgeon, urologist-andrologist at the Moscow Regional Center for Maternal and Child Health, assistant at the Department of Pediatric Surgery at the Russian University of Medicine, Ministry of Health of Russia; Moscow, Russia
  • Tsatsa M.V. – pediatric surgeon of the Federal Scientific Research Center for Children and Adolescents of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia; Moscow, Russia

Introduction. Hypospadias without hypospadias (i.e. chordae hypospadias) in children is rare and accounts for 4 to 10% of all forms of hypospadias. There are no descriptions of the occurrence of the anterior wall of the urethra lysis before surgical correction in the literature.

Clinical case. There are two case reports of percutaneous urethral fistula formation in children and surgical treatment options for urethral recon- struction are presented.

Conclusion. The variety of urethroplasty techniques allows to reconstruct a urethra with satisfactory functional and cosmetic results in each case.

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children; hypospadias; chord type hypospadias; urethrocutaneous fistula; urethroplasty

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