

Number №4, 2012 - page 20-22

Stress, systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and SIRS-stress reaction

Ivaschenko V.V., Chernyshev I.V., Perepanova T.S., Nikonova L.M., Kazachenko A.V.

Our article is devoted to the definitions of “stress”, “systemic inflammatory response syndrome” and to their equivalence. A new definition of “SIRS-stress reaction” was proposed to clearly depict the essence of the clinical and pathological processes in urological patients with acute inflammatory conditions. Statistically significant positive correlation was shown between the level of cortisol and the absolute count of granulocytes in peripheral blood, along with negative correlation between the level of cortisol and relative count of lymphocytes in peripheral blood. We consider that nowadays the treatment of the patients with complicated urinary tract infection should consist of antibacterial therapy and of the therapy aimed to decrease the hyperactivation of hypothalamichypophyseal- adrenal axis. This latter leads to the secondary stress-induced damage of the organs resulting in the multiple organ failure during the protracted disease.

In our article we present the results of clinical investigation, by means of which it was shown that single indirect electrochemical oxidation of the blood with 0.06% solution of sodium hypochlorite (0.6-0.7 mg/kg) leads to statistically significant decrease in the level of adrenocorticotropic hormone, cortisol and adrenaline at 2 hours after intravenous administration. This effect was evident at 1 and 4 day after administration. The patients in the control group (intravenous administration of saline) failed to show any described changes at any time points.

Drawing a conclusion, intravenous administration of sodium hypochlorite is considered as one of the methods of pathogenesis-oriented treatment of generalized forms of infections and different types of sepsis.

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