

Urogenital tuberculosis in children and adolescents

Kul'chavenya E.V., Mukanbaev K., Zhukova I.I., Holtobin D.P., Brizhatyuk E.V.

E.V. Kulchavenia, K. Mukanbaev,I.I. Jukova, D.P. Holtobin, E.V. Brijatyuk

High incidence of tuberculosis in young patients indicate at the complex epidemiological situation in the region and at the quality of prophylaxis. Up to last days tuberculosis was diagnosed at the advanced and extended stages. This is linked to the complexity of diagnostics of initial stages of the disease and to the absence of the strict clinical criteria for the diagnostics in children and adolescents.

We have investigated 131 medical records of patients from the Novosibirsk regional antituberculosis clinic and 819 records of patients with urogenital tuberculosis from Kirgizsky national phthisiology centre. Retrospective analysis was made for 3 cases in children and 38 cases in adolescents.

In Siberia in children and adolescent only kidney’s tuberculosis was shown, noone was admitted due to genital tuberculosis. Among 88 patients with isolated kidney’s tuberculosis the were two children of 3 and 6 years old and one adolescent of 17 years old (3.4% out of all patients with nephrotuberculosis and 2.3% out of all patients with urogenital tuberculosis). So, in Siberia all the children and adolescents were diagnosed with the tuberculosis timely, out of contact persons or from the risk groups, in the stage of parenchymal tuberculosis.

In Kirgizstan in 90% of children and adolescents tuberculosis was multiorganic, only in 25% of patients “small” forms of kidney’s tuberculosis were diagnosed. All patients of the selected groups in Siberia were treated conservatively, while 64.7% of children and 76.2% of adolescents were in need of surgical treatment, this fact indirectly indicates at the epidemiological problems in the region.

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