

Number №2, 2024 - page 111-121

Validation of the russian version of the P-QoL and its approbation for assessment of the impact of pelvic organ prolapse on quality of life in women undergoing reconstructive surgery DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2024-17-2-111-121

For citation: Shakhaliev R.A., Kubin N.D., Nikitina T.P., Ionova T.I., Metrinsky Ya.Yu., Mkrtchyan Zh.S., Shkarupa D.D. Validation of the russian version of the P-QoL and its approbation for assessment of the impact of pelvic organ prolapse on quality of life in women undergoing reconstructive surgery. Experimental and Clinical Urology 2024;17(2):111-121; https://doi.org/10.29188/2222-8543-2024-17-2-111-121
Shakhaliev R.A., Kubin N.D., Nikitina T.P., Ionova T.I., Metrinsky Ya.Yu., Mkrtchyan Zh.S., Shkarupa D.D.
Information about authors:
  • Shakhaliev R.А. – obstetrician-gynecologist, Saint-Petersburg State University Hospital; Saint-Petersburg, Russia; RSCI Author ID 1040919; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2450-7044
  • Kubin N.D. – Dr. Sci., urologist, Saint-Petersburg State University Hospital; Saint-Petersburg, Russia; RSCI Author ID 821347; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5189-4639
  • Nikitina T.P. – PhD, Saint-Petersburg State University Hospital; Saint-Petersburg, Russia; RSCI Author ID 180505; http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8279-8129
  • Ionova T.I. – Dr. Sci, Saint-Petersburg State University Hospital; Saint-Petersburg, Russia; RSCI Author ID 9565; http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9431-5286
  • Metrinsky Ya.Yu. – obstetrician-gynecologist, Saint-Petersburg State University Hospital; Saint-Petersburg, Russia; RSCI Author ID 1076123
  • Mkrtchyan Zh.S. – 6th year student of General Medicine Faculty, Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov; Saint-Petersburg, Russia; https://orcid.org/0009-0002-6494-4484
  • Shkarupa D.D. – Dr. Sci., urologist, director of Saint-Petersburg State University Hospital; Saint-Petersburg, Russia; RSCI Author ID 560256; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0489-3451

Introduction. The prolapse quality-of-life questionnaire (P-QoL) is one of a few standardized questionnaires developed to assess the impact of pelvic organ prolapse (POP) on the quality of life (QoL) of patients and determine the effectiveness of reconstructive surgery. The lack of a validated Russian-language version of the P-QoL questionnaire limits studies assessing the severity of symptoms and QoL in women with POP before and after reconstructive surgery in Russia.

Materials and methods. Assessment of the reliability and validity of the adapted P-QoL questionnaire for Russian-speaking patients. Study participants (n=303) were asked to fill out the P-QoL, PFDI-20, SF-36 questionnaires and a medical and social questionnaire before reconstructive surgery and 2 months after the treatment. Then they underwent gynecological examination using the POP-Quantification System (POP-Q).

Results. The language adaptation of the P-QoL questionnaire was carried out and its reliability and validity were established. Indicators of general health perception (p<0.001), role limitations (p=0.001), physical limitations (p=0.004), social limitations (p<0.001) and symptom severity (p<0.001) were significantly higher in women with POP-Q stages 3 and 4 compared to women with POP-Q stage 2. General health perception scores were higher in women with POP-Q stage 4 than with POP-Q stage 3 (p=0.002). Statistically significant differences in sleep/energy scores were found between women with POP-Q stages 2 and 3 (p=0.033). Statistically significant improvement in QoL 2 months after surgery (p < 0.05) indicated that P-QoL is sensitive to change.

Conclusion. The adapted P-QoL questionnaire is a reliable tool for determination of the severity of POP symptoms, QoL impairment and assessment of the treatment outcomes.

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quality of life; pelvic organ prolapse; reconstructive surgery; questionnaire; validity; reliability; responsiveness

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