

Number №3, 2010 - page 4-10

Analysis of hemodialysis and renal replacement therapy maintenance aspects in Russian Federation

Apolihin O.I., Yurgel' N.V., Bondarev S.V., Bebeshko E.V.

Renal replacement therapy is vital man­agement of renal failure. Hemodialysis is a hardware-based method of blood clearance, spread widely because of its efficacy. Renal failure morbidity is 150 - 200 cases per 1 million of population yearly. In 2001 in Russian Federation there were 7148 dialysis patients, in 2008 - 21357.

This article is a result of work done to determine the state of hemodialysis service in Russia totally and in constitu­ent territories of the Russian Federa­tion particularly. It was based on local healthcare departments reports. The renal replacement therapy and hemody- alisis availability was analyzed due to federal location (in Russia there are 331 dialysis centers, 40 - federal, 269 - mu­nicipal, 22 - private). As a result a recent status of this sector was established, ac­centuating most acute problems need to be solved immediately. In most con­stituent territories of Russian Federation there is a lack of qualified nephrologists in staffing level. More than 70% of con­stituent territories of the Russian Feder­ation do not have enough hemodialysis places to provide qualified healthcare. In 60 constituent territories of Russian Federation the level of dialytic coverage is lower than estimated needs. Dialytic equipment (more than 5 years in 37.8%) and water supply sets wear is more than 50%. In 30% constituent territories of the Russian Federation no possibility for urgent hemodialysis is available. In more than 50% - no peritoneal dialysis is used. Only 23 constituent territories of Russian Federation have organized transportation system for such patients. Hemodyalysis and replacement renal therapy service actual state in Russian Federation urgently demands organi­zational improvements and permanent monitoring in federal districts.

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