

Номер №4, 2018 - page 74-77

Androgenic screening in men after 50 years with prostate diseases

Kamalov A.A., Vasilevskiy R.P., Ohobotov D.A., Neplohov E.A.
Information about authors:
  • Kamalov A.A. – Dr. Sc., professor,academician of RAS, Head of Urology and Andrology Department, Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Director of Moscow Research and Education Center of the Lomonosov Moscow State University; e-mail: armais.kamalov@rambler.ru
  • Okhobotov D.A. – PhD, urologist, senior researcher at the Scientific Department of Urology and Andrology, Medical Research and Education Center, Lomonosov Moscow State University, scientific secretary of the Russian Society "Men's Health"; e-mail: 14032007m@gmail.com
  • Vasilevsky R.P. – urologist, chief urologist in municipal polyclinic №134; e-mail: urolog-rv@yandex.ru
  • Neplokhov E.A. – PhD, urologist of the Department of ART of the Regional State Autonomous Health Institution "Regional Perinatal Center I.D. Evtushenko"; e-mail: md.neplohov@mail.ru

Introduction. The Metabolic Syndrome (MS) is the modern pandemic both developed, and developing countries. The MS acts as risk factor of development of cardiovascular accidents, insulin resistance and an hypogonadism.

Research objective: searching of correlations of a metabolic syndrome with a syndrome of chronic pelvic pain and violation of a miktion at men.

Objective: to develop an algorithm for screening hypogonadism for men undergoing medical examination to detect diseases of the prostate.

Materials and methods: the study involved 454 people with various diseases of the prostate gland (benign prostatic hyperplasia, chronic prostatitis, prostate cancer), which are randomly selected for the study during an outpatient admission. In the future, patients underwent a comprehensive urological examination. Hypogonadism was defined as testosterone concentration <12 nmol/l.

Results and discussion: hypogonadism was diagnosed in 196 (43.2%) patients, which is close to the indicators of foreign statistics. Such a high prevalence of VAD, as well as its apparent prevalence in men from 50 to 79 years (165 – 84%) of patients with hypogonadism, suggest the need for mandatory androgen screening in men after 50 years. In patients with androgen deficiency prostate cancer is also significantly more common.

Conclusions: screening for age-related androgen deficiency should be routine after 50 years, as hypogonadism is an aggravating factor in the course of prostate diseases.

Authors declare lack of the possible conflicts of interests

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screening, age-related hypogonadism, testosterone, hormone, prostate gland, male, androgen replacement therapy, urology

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