

Номер №4, 2018 - page 78-81

Chronic pelvic pain and dysuria in patients with metabolic syndrome

Shkodkin S.V., Polischuk A.V., Chirkov S.V., Shushpanova K.D.
Information about authors:
  • Shkodkin S.V. – Dr.Sc., urologist of Belgorod Regional Clinical Hospital, Belgorod; e-mail: shkodkin-s@mail.ru
  • Polishchuk A.V. – urologist of Municipal Hospital № 2, Belgorod; e-mail: urobelgorod@rambler.ru
  • Chirkov S.V. – Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod; e-mail: stiletsv@list.ru
  • Shushpanova K.D. – Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod; e-mail: shushpanovaksden@yandex.ru

Introduction. The Metabolic Syndrome (MS) is the modern pandemic both developed, and developing countries. The MS acts as risk factor of development of cardiovascular accidents, insulin resistance and an hypogonadism.

Research objective: searching of correlations of a metabolic syndrome with a syndrome of chronic pelvic pain and violation of a miktion at men.

Materials and methods. 16 men with MS aged from 40 up to 50 years on average 48,5±2,8 years which had no the established diagnosis of a diabetes mellitus entered a research. 48,6±2,4 years were included 13 men without MS into comparable group of comparison on an age. Questionnaires were applied: AMS (Ageing Males Symptoms), IPSS (International Prostate Symptom Score), painful scale of LANSS (Leeds Assessment of Neuropathic Symptoms and Signs), IIEF-5 (International Index of Erectile Function). Physical examination is conducted, common defined testosterone and the free, SHBG, lutropin, insulin, glucose, HbA1c, a lipide profile. To patients the urofloumetriya, ultrasonography of a bladder, prostate with measurement of parameters of a blood-groove is executed.

Results. Patients with MS had statistically authentically more expressed symptomatology on a scale of IPSS and lower QoL index. According to an uroflowmetry indexes of the maximal stream did not differ in groups of observation, however in a basic group average speed was lower at increase in duration of an emiction. Patients with MS showed more expressed complaints to morbid feelings on LANSS scale in comparison with control group of observation. The obtained data allow to connect MS by risk of development of a syndrome of chronic pelvic pain and an urgency at men.

Authors declare lack of the possible conflicts of interests.

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metabolic syndrome, syndrome of chronic pelvic pain, dysuria

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