

Number №2, 2014 - page 98-101

Complications of the preputioplasty in children with distal hypospadias repair

Kagancov I.M.

Surgery for distal forms of hypospadias in children achieved significant results. High esthetic demand for surgical correction is the reason for increased use of preputioplasty by child surgeons. This study is devoted to the complications of preputioplasty and their surgical correction and also to the systematic analysis of the possible causes for the complications.

Fifty patients were included in the study, in which foreskin was preserved during the operation. MAGPI operation was performed in 5 children (10%), TIP – in 26 (52%) and shift urethroplasty in 16 (32%). In 3 cases (6%) urethroplasty was not carried out: one of the children was operated due to penile curvature, in 2 patients – isolated splitting of the foreskin was eliminated. Foreskin reconstruction technique was always identical for all types of operations. Late results were estimated in all patients. Among 50 children complications arose in 9 (18%) cases, repeated operative treatment was necessary in 6 (12%) patients.

Preputioplasty during the correction of the distal hypospadias in children is a non-difficult supplementary maneuver to the main operation (urethroplasty). A proper selection of patients for preputioplasty and its implementation with suturing of the foreskin in 3 layers could prevent the most complications. Preputioplasty complications don’t demand a complicated reconstruction and could be easily eliminated.

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