

Number №1, 2020 - page 22-27

Dynamics of the relationship of numbers «doctor – medium staff» DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2020-12-1-22-27

For citation: Turzin P.S., Khodyreva L.A., Dudareva A.A. Dynamics of the relationship of numbers «doctor – medium staff». Experimental and clinical urology 2020; (1):22-27
Turzin P.S., Hodyreva L.A., Dudareva A.A.
Information about authors:
  • Turzin P.S. – Dr. Sc., professor, Leading Researcher of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, TurzinPS@zdrav.mos.ru, ORCID 0000-0001-5231-8000.
  • Khodyreva L.A. – Dr. Sc., Head of the Department of Scientific Activities of Association for the Promotion of Urology «New National Medical Initiative», Khodyreva60@mail.ru, ORCID 0000-0002-0751-4982
  • Dudareva A.A. – PhD, head of organizational and methodological department of urology of Research Institute of Health and Medical Management of the Department of Health of the city of Moscow, Annadudareva@bk.ru, ORCID 0000-0002-2729-5094

Background. Reducing the level of personnel imbalances in the state health care system of Moscow city is one of the priority tasks of development of the capital health care. According to the federal project, the ratio «doctor – middle medical personnel (nurses, paramedics)» by 2024 should be 1:2.32 in Russia and 1:1.63 in Moscow.

The rational use of medical personnel leads not only to a significant improvement in the availability and quality of medical care, but also to a more efficient use of financial and human resources.

The ratio of «doctor – middle medical personnel» in the country and abroad.The World Health Organization recommended ratio of doctorsto nurses is 1:4, which is achieved by increasing the role of nurses in the delivery of medicalcare, depending on their qualifications. In the article, international experience and comparative analysis of thisindicatorwascarried out on the basis ofstatistics of domestic and foreign publications,which showed a significant fluctuation in developed countries.

The ratio «doctor – middle medical personnel» in the state health care system of Moscow city. Dynamics of the ratio «doctor – middle medical personnel (nurses, paramedics)» in Moscow and in Russia as a whole forthe period from 2013 to 2017, showed a trend of decrease of this indicatorin the capital. Proposals for further development of human resources. Calculation of the optimal ratio in the doctor-nurse system in various medical specialties will allow to determine compliance of normative values and to develop recommendations for the development of personnel resources.

Conclusions. The increase in the ratio of doctors to nurses willcertainly lead to an improvement in the quality of medical services provided to the population.

Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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мedical workers, doctors, nurses, paramedics, human resources

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