

Number №4, 2014 - page 4-7

Experience of clinical and economical treatment results improvement in prostate cancer patients

Apolihin O.I., Sivkov A.V., Katibov M.I., Zolotuhin O.V., Shaderkin I.A., Leonov S.A., Voytko D.A., Prosyannikov M.Yu., Grigor'eva M.V.

The prostate cancer (PCa) is nowadays one of the most common and progressively growing diseases in the area of oncourology. The yearly growth of the PCa incidence is 3%. The screening introduction was not effective, leading to the new problems with overdiagnosis, overtreatment and corresponding financial burden and growth in number of complications. As a result of this a new complex staged standardized program was developed in the National Scientific Institute of Urology for the treatment of patients with prostate cancer, which was introduced in Voronezh district in 2010. This program is 4-staged standardized healthcare system including education of specialists working within this system, regular educational courses, and also possibility for remote consultations via the specialized Internet-portal. The outcomes could be divided among three groups: organizational, medical and economical. Organizational results: 7 interdistrict urological centers and 1 regional urological center were created, guidelines and educational courses were developed, the remote consultative portal NetHealth.ru was created. Medical outcomes: the growth of the number of patients with primarily diagnosed PCа, the increase in the quote of localized stage cases up to 71.2%, the decrease in the quote of the clinically-insignificant disease, the decrease in the mortality 1 year after diagnosis down to 6.5% and overall prostate cancer-specific mortality. Economical results: decrease in treatment costs for patients with PCа overall and for selected cases.

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