

Number №4, 2019 - page 68-73

Features of male infertility as the only factor in infertility of a married couple in the ART clinic DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2019-11-4-68-73

For citation: Sulima A.N., Litvinov V.V., Klimenko P.M., Starovoitov E.L., Kolesnikova I.O. Features of male infertility as the only factor in infertility of a married couple in the ART clinic. Experimental and clinical urology 2019;(4):68-73
Sulima A.N., Litvinov V.V., Klimenko P.M., Starovoytov E.L., Kolesnikova I.O.
Information about authors:
  • Sulima A.N. – Dr. Sc., professor of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology № 1 of the Medical Academy. S.I. Georgievsky, gsulima@yandex.ru, ORCID ID 0000-0002-2671-6985
  • Litvinov V.V. – PhD, obstetrician-gynecologist, LLC ECO-center, clinic AltraVita, lvv33@yandex.ru ORCID ID 0000-0003-2850-799X

  • Klimenko P.M. – Dr. Sc., professor of the Department of Pediatric Surgery with a course of urology, of the Medical Academy. S.I. Georgievsky

  • Starovoitov E.L. – Urologist, clinic «Your Doctor», Republic of Crimea

  • Kolesnikova I.O . – resident of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology №. 1, Medical Academy. S. I. Georgievsky. 010296@mail.ru, ORCID ID 0000-0002-5226-9090


Introduction. In recent years, the male factor proportion of infertility in married couple exceeds 50-60%. The problem of male infertility acquires not only medical, but also social significance. Over the past 60 years, the quality indicators of ejaculate have decreased on average 4 times. Basic indicators such as sperm morphology and motility are reduced.

Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of 50 outpatient records with diagnosed male infertility was performed. Anamnesis data were evaluated, general physical and special examinations, laboratory tests were carried out.

Results and discussion. Primary infertility was diagnosed in 80% of men, secondary – in 20%. The most common spermogram pathology was teratozoospermia – 92%, oligozoospermia – 72%, asthenozoospermia – 48%. A simultaneous change from 2 to 3 spermogram indicators was detected in 84%. When assessing the hormonal profile: a decrease in testosterone was noted in 52% of cases, an increase in FSH and LH in 20%, and prolactinemia in 18%. Low vitamin D levels are reported at 24%. The frequency of hypogonadism in obesity in men with a coolant ≥ 94 cm was 94%, with a coolant> 102 cm was 98%. In 70% of cases, chronic prostatitis was detected, in 42% – varicocele, in 14% – cysts of the epididymis, in 6% – benign prostatic hyperplasia. Among the infections of the genitourinary tract, ureaplasmosis was the most common – 24%, gardnerellosis – 10%.

Conclusion. Primary infertility was diagnosed more often than secondary. When evaluating spermograms in all men, the ejaculate had low fertility and was unsuitable for natural fertilization. Hormonal examination of patients diagnosed with hyperand hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, prolactinemia. Among the diseases of the male genital area, chronic prostatitis and varicocele were most common. In most cases, the professional activities of men are associated with a sedentary lifestyle.

Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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male infertility, spermogram, assisted reproductive technologies, hypogonadism

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