
О.И. Аполихин - articles list

Выпуск №1 за 2023 год
  Introduction. Over the past decade, there has been a progressive increase in the number of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Early diagnosis of renal insufficiency allows to prevent...
Выпуск №1 за 2023 год
Introduction. Currently, menotropins are widely used to treat male infertility, both to stimulate spermatogenesis and to compensate for hormonal imbalance. But the actual practice of using...
Выпуск №4 за 2020 год
Introduction. The urethroplasty of the urethral stricture disease is still a severe problem for surgeons. The aim of this study is to evaluate own results of buccal mucosa graft urethroplasty (BMGU)...
Выпуск №4 за 2020 год
Introduction. Сurrently, existing methods for determining the chemical composition of the stone in vivo do not have the necessary accuracy. In this regard, the development of methods for high-...
Выпуск №2 за 2020 год
Introduction. A great attention was paid to the urological diseases epidemiology in the USSR and then in the Russian Federation at the FSBI NMRRC of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation,...

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