

Number №3, 2021 - page 80-85

Examination of high-risk prostate cancer patients: real practice in Russia DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2021-14-3-80-85

For citation: Reva S.A., Shaderkin I.A., Zyatchin I.V., Arnautov A.V., Petrov S.B., Shaderkina V.A. Examination of high-risk prostate cancer patients: real practice in Russia. Experimental and Clinical Urology, 2021;14(3):80-85; https://doi.org/10.29188/2222-8543-2021-14-3-80-85
Reva S.A., Shaderkin I.A., Zyatchin I.V., Arnautov A.V., Petrov S.B., Shaderkina V.A.
Information about authors:
  • Reva S.A. – PhD, head of the Department of oncology No6 (of andrology and oncourology), Research Center of Urology, Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State, Medical University, St. Peters- burg, Russia; researcher, N.N. Petrov Research Institute of Oncology; Saint-Petersburg, Russia; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5183-5153
  • Shaderkin I.A. – PhD, Head of the Laboratory of Electronic Health, Institute of Digital Medicine, Sechenov University; Moscow, Russia; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8669-2674
  • Zyatchin I.V. – 6th year medical student of Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University; St. Petersburg, Russia; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2587-0902
  • Arnautov A.V. – clinical resident of the Department of oncology №6 (of andrology and oncourol- ogy), Research Institute of Urology, Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical Univer-sity, St. Petersburg, Russia; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3550-0067
  • Petrov S.B. – Dr. Sci, professor, head of the Research Center of Urology, Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University, main researcher, N.N. Petrov Research Institute of Oncology; St. Petersburg, Russia; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3460-3427
  • Shaderkina V.A. – scientific editor of the urological information portal UroWeb.ru; Moscow, Russia; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8940-4129

Introduction. Approaches to the diagnosis and staging of localized and locally advanced high-risk prostate cancer (PCa-НR) continue to be actively researched and improved.

Materials and methods. In order to understand some of the controversial and controversial issues regarding the diagnosis of PCа-НR, a survey was conducted, in which 250 specialists took part – oncourologists, urologists, andrologists, specializing in the treatment / observation of patients with prostate cancer (PCа). The survey was conducted within the urological information portal Uroweb.ru by filling out a questionnaire.

Results. The results obtained indicate that the most significant differences were obtained in views on the role of positron emission tomography combined with computed tomography (PET/CT) in the primary diagnosis of non-metastatic PCа and the importance of local prevalence in determining the risk of progression, while the attitude to genetic testing, primary local staging and prognosis criteria after radical prostatectomy in the majority respondents were similar.

Conclusions. Most Russian oncourologists specialists involved in the treatment of PCа do not recommend that patients with PCа-HR perform PET/CT with prostate specific membrane antigen (68Ga-PSMA) and do not prescribe geneticist consultation and genetic counseling for non-metastatic PCа. To assess the local prevalence of the process in prostate cancer, based on the results of MRI, digital rectal examination and the percentage of tumor tissue in the biopsy sample. Most specialists determine the prognosis of a patient after RP by summing up the pathomorphological (PSA + radiological diagnostics + the result of histological examination) and clinical (PSA + radiological diagnostics + biopsy) indicators, which quite correlates with the global data.

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prostate cancer; radical prostaectomy; prognosis; PSA; PET/CT; urological survey

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