

Number №2, 2013 - page 35-37

Experimental cytotoxic affection prostate in the modeling of chronic prostatitis

Horosh V.Ya., Mysak A.I.

The goal of this work was to reveal the participation of toxic decomposition products of tissues and induced cytotoxic mechanism of prostate lesion in the experiment. Pathological process in the prostate was formed on the model of HP in male albino rats. An experimental part was held on 78 adult male rats, 16 of which where control group (intact). HP were initiated by castration of male rats with simultaneous introduction of testosterone in a dose of 0,1 mg/kg subcutaneously once a day for 21 days. Besides that twice with an interval of 3 days animals were injected subcutaneously with toxic standardized extract head-treated swine xenoskin at a dose of 1 ml/kg. Experimental animals were observed daily. In this case, was estimated their general condition, mobility. On 2nd, 7th and 14th day of the experiment samples were taken for the study and animals were deduced from the experiment under anesthesia. In order re-establishing the experimental model came up with the conclusion that was made from the criteria of depth of morphological changes in the tissue of the prostate gland, accordance to their level of leucocytolysis and polarized fluorescence of gland juice of crystals in print on a glass slide. It was proved that the use of the toxic termodenaturated substrate of xenogenetic skin as inductor of HP provides high reproducibility and standardization of the pathological process’s simulated model. Features of polarized fluorescence of components prostate juice are highly informative test for structural and functional state of prostate gland and can be used as its clinical diagnostic and prognostic criteria.

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