Выпуск №2 за 2010 год
A problem of early detection of prostate
cancer (PC) is still actual and practically
valuable. There are a number of programs
for PC screening in some regions
of the Russia (Moscow region,...
Выпуск №2 за 2013 год
The frequency of the urolithiasis in the
world according to some cross-sectional
studies stays at the level of 3.5-9.6%. In
the last 10 years the urolithiasis in many
countries shows a tendency for...
Выпуск №1 за 2012 год
Relevance. In males with sexual disorders hyperprolactinemia is determined in 0,4-11% of cases, and in some studies achieves 20%, due to which assessment of the prolactin level in blood is an...
Выпуск №4 за 2010 год
This article is dedicated to the history of Russian andrology, that appeared as a part of urology. Separation of urology from clinical surgery took place in the early fifties of 19th century and was...
Выпуск №1 за 2011 год
Current International statistical classification
of diseases and related
health problems, 10th edition (ICD-
10), is a legislative document that
provides integration and comparability