Выпуск №3 за 2017 год
Objective. Experimental study of the effect of sodium hypochlorite (SH) on renal function and hormonal status intact rats, influencing the composition of the final urine.
Materials and methods. The...
Выпуск №1 за 2017 год
The aim of the research. Experimental study of the sodium hypochlorite (SH) effect on the blood and urine electrolyte composition, cations and anions, that are part of the urinary stones, which are...
Выпуск №1 за 2016 год *
In this review we analyze the role of exogenic and endogenic risk factors of nephrolithiasis and their link to dysfunction of renal tubules and discuss cell membrane pathology, lipid peroxidation,...
Выпуск №4 за 2013 год
This article is devoted to the description
patients with infectious inflammatory
complications and grade I...
Выпуск №2 за 2012 год
The paper studies the adaptogenic
properties of 0.06% sodium hypochlorite
solution (SH). The study was
conducted in three groups of 15 outbred
male rats. Intact group was of
5 rats subjected to no...
Выпуск №2 за 2010 год
The paper is dedicated to study of
mechanism of sodium hypochlorite
effect on renal concentration function.
In two experimental series we
studied metabolism parameters and
functional ability of...
Выпуск №4 за 2012 год
Our article is devoted to the definitions
of “stress”, “systemic inflammatory
response syndrome” and to their
equivalence. A new definition of
“SIRS-stress reaction” was proposed
to clearly depict...
Выпуск №2 за 2013 год
This article is devoted to the prognostic
method, which can show, whether if the
urological infection will have a lethal or
favorable outcome.
The prognosis is possible after the
implementation of...
Выпуск №3 за 2012 год
The paper is dedicated to the mechanism of adaptogenic effect of sodium hypochlorite (SH). The studies were performed in three groups of 45 albino male rats. Group of intact animals were 5 rats. The...
Выпуск №1 за 2013 год
In this study we have investigated the
influence of sodium hypochlorite (SH) on
the blood leukocytes in rats (experimental
part) and the possible applications of SH in
patients with...