
A.M. Gul'ko - articles list

Выпуск №3 за 2020 год
Introduction. Currently, prostate cancer is one of the main problems in oncourology. The development of the health-care industry has increased the quality of treatment. This increases the percentage...
Выпуск №1 за 2020 год
Introduction. Prostate cancer is one of the most common oncological diseases in men in modern society. The relevance and social significance of this problem with the rapid pace of development of high...
Выпуск №4 за 2019 год
Objective. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Dynamic Computer Pharmacocavernosography (DCCF) in Venogenic Erectile dysfunction (VED) and subsequent planning of treatment. Materials and methods of...
Выпуск №4 за 2019 год
Objective. Prostate cysts are a rarely disease among all benign neoplasms. The disease haven’t a bright clinical picture, but it can be a diagnostic find for a diagnosis and choosing treatment...
Выпуск №3 за 2019 год
Contacts: Gulko Alexander Michaylovich, agoolko@mail.ru Introduction. Prostate cancer is one of the most common oncological conditions in men in modern society. Despite the high risk of urinary...
Выпуск №4 за 2018 год
The relevance of prostate cancer (PC) screening affects the interests of not only urologists, but also specialists in other fields (surgeons, therapists, general practitioners). This is related to...
Выпуск №3 за 2018 год
Premature ejaculation (PE), as the most common sexual dysfunction, provokes a lot of discussion and disputes in the scientific community, and also significantly reduces the quality of sex life....
Выпуск №3 за 2018 год
The aim of our study was to compare different methods of hemostasis in the treatment of neurovascular bundles during endovideosurgical extraperitoneal radical prostatectomy (EERPE) regarding the risk...
Выпуск №4 за 2016 год
The article provides an overview of the current literature on the subject of the most common dishormonal status of men over 40 years old age-related androgen deficiency. To date, the criteria for...
Выпуск №3 за 2016 год
Introduction. One of the most common multifactorial disease states, which is caused by certain systemic diseases, as well as the reception of drugs and psycho-emotional status of the person is...
Выпуск №3 за 2013 год
The article provides an overview of current literature on the most frequent dysuric pathology - nocturia. This disorder significantly reduces the quality of life for men and women. Current...
Выпуск №2 за 2013 год
Urolithiasis is a widespread urological disease. With the implementation of the minimal invasive technologies for the stone disintegration the efficacy of the treatment was substantially improved,...

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